Category: Team Forum

2.3 | Outline for Formal Proposal (Increased Online UBC Classes)

Formal Report Outline for Increasing the Number of Online Classes and Labs Offered at the University of British Columbia I. INTRODUCTION A. Definition of class formats (online/asynchronous/hybrid) B. Background of classes offered at UBC C. Description of the benefits of

2:1 Email Memorandum for Formal Report Proposal (Revised)

To: Dr. Erika Paterson From: Daniel Kim Date: February 24th, 2023 Subject: Proposal to Increase Affordability in Transportation for UBC students and staff members Per request in Unit 2.1, I have completed the formal proposal for ENGL 301. Here is

2:1 Formal Report Proposal (Revised) – Daniel Kim

To: Dr. Erika Paterson From: Daniel Kim Date: February 23rd, 2023 Subject: Proposal to Increase Affordability in Transportation for UBC students and staff members Introduction: With over 10,000 students and faculty members at UBC coming and going throughout the day,

2:3 Formal Report Outline – Miranda Tang

Formal Report Outline for Proposal to Renovate Listening Training Methods in UBC’s Chinese Language Programs Ⅰ. INTRODUCTION A. Background information on UBC’s Chinese language program and deficiencies in the current instructional strategies B. Overview of problem areas inadequate training in listening

TWU Research Report Outline

  Introduction A.    Background and context of the study: City center community center is an on-campus gym. Brief intro of TWU and City Center Community Center There were high student gym memberships before Covid. B.    Problem statement and research question:

2.3 Progress Report Memo

MEMORANDUM To: Dr. Erika Paterson, Instructor ENGL 301 Technical Writing UBC From: Angie Zhou, Student ENGL 301 Technical Writing UBC Date: March 12, 2023 Subject: ENGL 301 Progress Report: Installing a Mirror Inside Each Change Room at Aritzia to Improve

Assignment 2.3 – Formal Report Outline for the Implementation of Electric Bicycle and Scooter Rules on the Arbutus Greenway

Implementation of Electric Bicycle and Scooter Rules on the Arbutus Greenway I. INTRODUCTION A. Background on the Arbutus Greenway and its users B. Background on the increased use of electric bicycles and scooters C. Purpose of this report D. Brief

Assignment 2.3 – Formal Report Outline (Revised)

Subject: Addressing Food Insecurity and Promoting Sustainable, Affordable Food Practices at UBC I. INTRODUCTION A. Background and context on food insecurity and sustainable, affordable food practices at UBC B. Purpose of the report C. Brief description of data sources D.

Assignment 2.3 – Formal Report Outline

Proposal for Enhancing Continuous Support for Teaching Assistants at the UBC Department of Computer Science.   I. INTRODUCTION A. Definition of Teaching Assistantship B. Background on Teaching Assistantship at  the UBC Department of Computer Science C. Description of the main

2.3 Formal Report Outline

Formal Report Outline for Proposal for Installing a Mirror Inside Each Change Room at Aritzia to Improve Customer Experience I. INTRODUCTION    A. Background of current change room design at Aritzia    B. Overview of problem areas       1. Lack of customer privacy


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