Category: Team Forum

4.2 Application Package

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Instructor, <> From: Corbyn Kwan, ENGL 301 Student, <> Date: April 17, 2023 Subject: Application Package Dear Erika, As instructed in lesson 4.2, I have created an application package for a Software Engineer position

Web Folio

MEMORANDUM To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Instructor From: Long You, ENGL 301 Student Date: April 17, 2023 Subject: Assignment 4:3  Web Folio As per Unit 4.3, I have created my web folio that includes: A home page A biography

4.3 Web Folio

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Professor From: Brian Wong,  ENGL 301 Student Date: April 17, 2023 Subject: Web Folio Submitted   As outlined in Unit 4 Lesson 3, a link to my Web Folio is available below for review.

Web Folio

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Professor From: Helen Zhou, ENGL 301 Student Date: April 17, 2023 Subject: Submission of Web Folio As per Lesson 4.3, please find a link to my Web Folio below for review. The Web Folio

4:3 Web Folio – Daniel Kim

To: Erika Paterson, Engl 301 Instructor From: Daniel Kim, Engl 301 Student Date: April 17th, 2023 Subject: Web Folio As per unit 4:3, I have created a web folio. The Web Folio includes: Home page Short biography Description about Engl

Assignment 4.3 | Web Folio

To: Erika Paterson <> From: Carman Chu <> Date: April 17, 2023 Subject: Web Folio Submission As requested in assignment 4.3, I have finished creating my web folio and attached a link to the web folio below. The web folio

Assignment 4.2 | Application Package

To: Erika Paterson <> From: Carman Chu <> Date: April 17, 2023 Subject: Application Package Submission As requested in assignment 4.2, I have completed my application package and have attached it to the end of this email. My application package

Assignment 4.3 – Web Folio

To: Professor Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Instructor From: Byung-Sun Park, ENGL 301 Student Date: April 17, 2023 Subject: Submission of Web Folio As requested in Lesson 4.3, I have created my Web Folio and attached a link in this email.

Web Folio Memorandum

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Instructor, <> From: Justin Tang, ENGL 301 Student, <> Date: April 17, 2023 Subject: Submission of Web Folio As per Lesson 4.3 requirements, please find  my Web Folio below. The Web Folio consists of

4:3 Web Folio – Yiyu Li

Please see the link below for my web folio. Thank you so much for teaching us this course. Yiyu’s blog


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