Category: Team Forum

2.2 – Memorandum: Summary of Jade’s Research on LinkedIn Best Practices (Revised on Apr 17)

Memorandum To: Michael Ly, Amy McCoan and Angie Zhou, ENGL 301 Amy’s team From: Jade Duan, ENGL301 Student Date: March 5, 2023 Subject: Summary of Jade’s Research Concerning Best Practices for Professional Networking on LinkedIn Introduction According to the requirements

Assignment 2.2: Best Practices on LinkedIn Memo

To: Long Team Members From: Sonja Tang Date: March 5, 2023 Subject: Best practices for professional networking on LinkedIn I am writing to share with you my findings on the ten best practices for professional networking on LinkedIn. I believe

2:2 LinkedIn Best Practices Memo (Revised on Mar 12)

To: Fellow Segfault Team Members From: Miranda Tang, ENGL 301 Student Date: March 5, 2023 Subject: Ten Best Practices for Professional Networking on LinkedIn   In the digital age we live in now, LinkedIn is an important tool for building

Assignment 2.2 – (REVISED) Ten Best Practices for LinkedIn Memo

To: Liam Plosker, Karolina Atehortua and Nina Nakanishi, Writing Team Members From: Jennifer Dunbar, Writing Team Member Date: March 5, 2023 Subject: Ten Best Practices For Professional Networking on LinkedIn As requested for assignment 2.2, the following list outlines ten

2.2 LinkedIn Best Practices Memo

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Instructor, <>   From: Brian Wong, ENGL 301 Student, <>   Date: March 4, 2023   Subject: Memo Concerning Best Practices for LinkedIn   As outlined in Unit Two Lesson Two, I have compiled

Assignment 2.1 | Formal Report Proposal for Implementing Joining Online Waitlists and Viewing Waitlist Times Online at Cactus Club Cafes

To: Dr. Erika Paterson From: Carman Chu Date: March 2, 2023 Subject: Proposal for Implementing Joining Online Waitlists and Viewing Wait Times Online at Cactus Club Cafes Intended Audience Management at Cactus Club Cafe Offices Introduction Cactus Club Cafe is

Peer Review of Junelie Guevarra’s Formal Report Proposal

To: Junelie Guevarra From: Gabriella Generoso Date: March 1, 2023 Subject: Peer Review – Proposal for Improving the Knowledge of Different Post Secondary Pathways for High School Students First Impressions This document is well-organized and easily digestible. This document seeks

Peer Review of Formal Report Proposal for Aman Johal

To: Aman Johal, English 301 Student From: Corbyn Kwan, English 301 Student Date: March 1, 2023 Subject: Peer Review of Formal Report Proposal for Aman Johal Thank you so much for the formal report proposal. Please read my peer review

Assignment 2:1 Peer Review for Liam’s Proposal

To: Liam Plosker From: Nina Nakanishi Date: March 1, 2023 Subject: Peer Review of Formal Report Proposal: Formal Proposal for a Coyote-Tracking App for UBC Point Grey Campus and Other Neighbourhoods Bordering Pacific Spirit Park Thank you for submitting the

Peer Review of Gabriella Generoso’s Formal Report Proposal

Name of the Reviewer: Junelie Guevarra Author’s Name: Gabriella Generoso Peer Review / Formal Report: Proposal for Improving Voter Turnout Among FIrst-Year University Students First Impressions Thank you for your submission of assignment 2.1. The proposal is concise and is


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