Category: Team Forum

Email Memorandum for Formal Report Proposal

To: Erika Paterson From: Gabriella Generoso Date: February 28, 2023 Subject: Memo — Proposal for Improving Voter Turnout Among First-Year University Students   For English 301, Unit 2.1, students are required to complete a Formal Proposal to be approved by

Formal Report Proposal for Improving Voter Turnout Among First-Year University Students

To: Dr. Erika Paterson From: Gabriella Generoso Date: February 28, 2023 Subject: Proposal for Improving Voter Turnout Among First-Year University Students Intended Audience Members of University Student Union’s. Introduction Most first-year university students are newly eligible to vote in a

2:1 Peer Review on Miranda’s Formal Report Proposal – Daniel Kim

To: Miranda Tang From Daniel Kim Date: February 28th, 2023 Subject: Peer Review on Formal Proposal First Impression: The proposal you created satisfies the requirements for this assignment. You do a great job providing the necessary background information to give

Assignment 2.1: Peer Review of Sonja’s Formal Proposal

To: Sonja Tang From: Chris Wu Peer Review: Proposal for increasing academic support for student athletes at the University of British Columbia First Impressions: Your proposal for increasing academic support for student athletes at UBC is well-organized and thoroughly researched.

Peer Review: Proposal on Establishing Alternative Closing Procedures for UBC Libraries

To: Delsther James Edralin, English 301 Student Writer From: Justin Tang, English 301 Student Reviewer Date: February 28, 2023 Subject: Peer Review of Formal Report Proposal: Proposal on Establishing Alternative Closing Procedures for UBC Libraries First Impressions: Thank you for

Peer Review for Parsa: Proposal for Determining the Feasibility of Introducing Daily Specials to Increase Customer Volume During Dry Season

To: Parsa Seyed Zehtab  From: Brian Wong   Peer Review: Parsa’s Formal Research Proposal: Proposal for Determining the Feasibility of Introducing Daily Specials to Increase Customer Volume During Dry Season   First Impressions:  Overall, the proposal was executed well. The

Assignment 2.1 | Peer Review of Byung-Sun’s Formal Report Proposal

To: Byung-Sun Park From: Carman Chu Date: Feb 28, 2023 Subject: Peer Review of Formal Report Proposal for Proposal for Enhancing Continuous Support for Teaching Assistants at the UBC Department of Computer Science   Thank you for your proposal on

Peer Review of Cheka’s Formal Report Proposal – Assignment 2:1

Date: February 28 2023 To: Cheka Duheme From: Alethea Kramer I enjoyed reading your formal report proposal, it was interesting and well written. Please take your time to review the feedback I have provided below.  Link To Formal Report Proposal

Assignment 2:1 Peer Review of Elly’s Research Proposal

To: Elly Kim From: Long You Peer Review: Addressing Food Insecurity and Promoting Sustainable, Affordable Food Practice at UBC Date: Feb 26, 2023 Thank you for sharing the research proposal for lesson 2:1. Food insecurity is a difficult topic for many UBC

Peer Review – Formal Report Proposal

To: Emilyn Sim From: Helen Zhou Date: February 28th, 2023 Subject: Peer Review of Formal Report Proposal – Creation of a UBC hackathon that considers the experience level of applicants.   Thank you for outlining your formal report proposal according to lesson


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