Category: Team Forum

Email Memo for Formal Report Proposal | Carman Chu

To: Dr. Erika Paterson <> From: Carman Chu <> Date: Feb 24, 2023 Subject: Email Memo – Adding More Time in Between Classes to Allow Students to Get to Class Without Being Late As requested in assignment 2.1, I posted

Assignment 2.1 – Memorandum for Aman’s Formal Research Proposal

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Instructor, <> From: Aman Johal, ENGL 301 Student, <> Date: February 24, 2023 Subject: Release of Formal Report Proposal for Implementing a new RideShare Option on UBC Campus As outline in lesson 2.1 for

Email Memorandum: Formal Report Proposal

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Instructor, <> From: Salma Ismail, ENGL 301 Student, <> Date: February 24, 2023 Subject: Memo- Formal Report Proposal for Expanding Culturally Informed Food Security Approach for the South Vancouver Food Hub   As per the 2.1

Memorandum for Alethea’s Formal Proposal

To: Erika Paterson (Instructor) From: Alethea Kramer (Student) Date: February 24, 2023 Subject: Formal Proposal for Increasing Opportunities for Casual and Unplanned Interactions Between Team Members of The Digital Services Team of Public Services and Procurement Canada Dear Dr. Paterson,

2.1 | Formal Proposal for Increasing Opportunities for Casual and Unplanned Interactions Between Team Members of The Digital Services Team of Public Services and Procurement Canada

To: Dr. Erika Paterson From: Alethea Kramer Date: February 22, 2023 Subject: Proposal for Increasing Opportunities for Casual and Unplanned Interactions Between Team Members of The Digital Services Team of Public Services and Procurement Canada Introduction: The Digital Services Team

Formal Report Proposal

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Instructor From: Aman Johal, ENGL 301 Student Date: February 24, 2023 Subject: Formal Proposal to Increase Student Transportation Methods on Campus Introduction The University of British Columbia is one of the largest institutions in

Assignment 2.1: Memo for Formal Writing Proposal

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Instructor   From: Liam Plosker, ENGL 301 Student   Date: February 24, 2023   Subject: Confirmation of Proposal Posting   As laid out in lesson 2.1, my formal writing proposal has been posted in

Assignment 2.1: Formal Proposal for a Coyote-Tracking App for UBC Point Grey Campus and Other Neighbourhoods Bordering Pacific Spirit Regional Park

To: Erika Paterson   From: Liam Plosker   Date: February 24, 2023   Subject: Formal Proposal for a Coyote-Tracking App for UBC Point Grey Campus and Other Neighbourhoods Bordering Pacific Spirit Park   Introduction:   Located adjacent to Pacific Spirit

Email Memorandum – Formal Report Proposal

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Instructor, <> From: Delsther James Edralin, ENGL 301 Student, <> Date: February 24, 2023 Subject: Proposal on Establishing Alternative Closing Procedures for UBC Libraries As per lesson 2.1, I have completed the formal report and

Formal Report Proposal for Adding More Time in Between Classes

To: Dr. Erika Paterson From: Carman Chu Date: Feb 24, 2023 Subject: Adding More Time in Between Classes to Allow Students to Get to Class Without Being Late   Introduction The University of British Columbia Vancouver campus has over 400


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