Category: Team Forum

Peer Review For Parsa

To: Parsa Seyed-Zehtab From: Riya Kathuria Peer Review– Term: Executive Function Thank you for posting the term definition assignment. It provided a lot of valuable insight. First Impressions: The report is well-organized and presents a vivid understanding of executive function.

Revised Definition of Phototropism

Introduction: The task involves the application of three styles of definitions; parenthetical, sentence, and expanded. The objective is to comprehend how the audience and purpose dictate the requirement for definition, distinguish between the levels of detail in definition, and choose

Revised Definition – Daniel Kim

Introduction: Assignment 1.3 dives into the role of definition in technical writing. Definitions play a critical role, especially in a professional setting, as they allow people to gain insight, knowledge, and awareness of a particular field. I will provide three

Assignment 1.3 – Revised Definition of Pluricentric

Introduction  The aim of the assignment is to familiarize an audience with a complex, technical term through definitions. There will be three types of definitions for the complex, technical term. These definitions are parenthetical definition, sentence definition, and expanded definition.

Revised Definition – RAID

Introduction The purpose of this assignment is to differentiate between the types of definitions and appreciate the role of definitions in technical writing. Depending on the situation and audience, different levels of details are necessary to convey a definition’s meaning.

Revised Definition – Brutalism

Introduction: The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate the ability to define a technical term for a non-technical audience. The objective is to provide a clear, concise, and accessible definition of the term, using a variety of expansion strategies,

Revised Definition: Machine Learning

Introduction: The main focus of the assignment is to improve students’ technical writing skills by teaching them the importance of defining complex terms in a clear and concise manner. The students are tasked with writing three different definitions of a

Revised Definition of Registered KInesiologist

Introduction: General public usually associate a Kinesiologist with exercise instructor who teaches a fitness class or works as a personal trainer. But a registered Kinesiologist is in fact a regulated health practitioner in Canada.  This assignment is adopting three types of

Revised Definition – Relational Database

Introduction This assignment’s objective is the following: Appreciate the importance and role of definitions in technical writing Understand how audience and purpose indicate the need for definition Differentiate between the levels of details in definition Select the right level of

Revised Definitions – Terry Chou

This assignment provides parenthetical, sentence, and expanded definitions of the term “Natural Recursion.” This term is constantly used in a computer science course I currently TA in, and this assignment serves as an opportunity to explain a complicated technical term


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