Category: Team Forum

Assignment 1:3 | Revised Definition

Introduction: The goal of assignment 1:3 is to acknowledge the significance and role of definitions in technical writing, understand how the audience and purpose indicate the need for definition, be able to distinguish between levels of details in definition. As

Assignment 1.3 | Revised Definition of Classical Conditioning

Introduction: The purpose behind assignment 1.3 is to look into the role of definitions in technical writing. Definitions are important because they give the audience more insight into a field in which one may need more interest or knowledge. Assignment

Unit One Reflection Blog – Parsa Seyed Zehtab

Writing the first draft of the Technical definition  The first unit of English 301 tasked us with writing a definition of a technical term for a non-technical audience. Before this assignment, I had never written a technical definition, so I

1:3 Revised Definitions – Miranda Tang

This document provides three definitions (parenthetical, sentence, and expanded) of the term The Control-Value Theory of Achievement Emotions. This term was drawn from my previous studies in educational psychology. The purpose of this activity is to practice the skill of explaining

1.3 Revised Definition

Introduction Assignment 1.3 conveys the importance and role of technical definitions in writing.Students learn to differentiate between the levels of detail in definitions and select the right level of detail. They also learn how audience and purpose presuppose the need

Revised Definition – Bioequivalent Medication

  Introduction: For this assignment we are tasked with picking a relatively complex term in a field which we have experience with. For this term, we are to compose a parenthetical, sentence and expanded definition to an audience of non-technical

Assignment 1.3 Revised Definition

Introduction Clarifying definitions is important for communicating with audiences appropriately. The objective of the assignment 1:3 is to understand the significance of clarifying definitions in technical writing. Students are required to write a parenthetical, sentence, and expanded definition of a

Unit One Reflection Blog – Brian Wong

Composition of the First Draft for the Technical Definition: For unit 1.3, students were to complete an assignment that focuses on the importance of definitions. The assignment involved the usage of various definitions to describe a technical term to a

Revised Definition – MRI

Introduction: The objective of this assignment is to understand the importance of definitions and to convey a complex term to varying audiences by tailoring the level of details according to the circumstances. In this assignment, students are to describe a

Revised Definition: Random Access Memory

Introduction The purpose of this assignment is for students to identify a complex term related to their discipline or profession and write three definitions: a parenthetical definition, a sentence definition, and an expanded definition. These definitions will be written for


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