Category: Team SJGG

Junelie Guevarra, Gareth Yuen, Salma Ismail, and Gabriella Generoso

Revised: Cultural Capital

  For this assignment, students are to pick a term to define in three forms (parenthetical, sentence and expanded definitions), using at least four expansion strategies, one of which is visual. The goal of this assignment, with reference to assigned

Revised: Defining “Judicial Review”

Introduction The objective of this assignment is to understand the importance of definitions and to convey a complex term to varying audiences by tailoring the level of details according to its particular situtation. As such, students are to describe a

Peer Review: Salma Ismail

To: Salma Ismail, Author From: Gareth Yuen, Reviewer Term: Cultural Capital  This is a peer review of the three definitions of the complex term Cultural Capital written by Salma Ismail. This review will contain positive and constructive feedback, from how

Peer Review: Gabriella Generoso

Name of the Reviewer: Junelie Guevarra Author’s Name: Gabrielle Generoso Peer Review / Term: Judicial Review Thank you for your submission of Assignment 1.3. Please examine the peer review of your assignment below. The peer review includes suggestions on areas

Peer Review: Gareth Yuen

To: Gareth Yuen  From: Salma Ismail  Peer Review for the term: Gas BlowBack Thank you, Gareth, for submitting the definition post of the term ‘Gas Blowback’ in our team forum. Please see the review of the document below and suggestions

Peer Review: Junelie Guevarra

Name of the Reviewer: Gabriella Generoso Author’s Name: Junelie Guevarra Title of the Expanded Definition: Agonist Thank you for submitting Assignment 1.3 to our team forum. This document provided a comprehensive and well-written explanation of the term, “Agonist.” Please see

Assignment 1.3: Defining “Judicial Review”

Introduction: The objective of this assignment is to understand the importance of definitions and to convey a complex term to varying audiences by tailoring the level of details according to its particular situtation. As such, students are to describe a

The Three Definitions of Blowback

Introduction This assignment is designed for us to write three definitions of a relatively complex term used within our particular discipline or profession. For this assignment, I will present a parenthetical definition, a sentence definition, and an expanded definition of

1.3 Definition Assignment Submission – Guevarra

Writers must choose a word that is not used in day-to-day vocabulary. The objective of this assignment is to create 3 types of definitions which can be used for different situations. The criteria indicates that writers must create an expanded

Three Definitions: Cultural Capital

For this assignment, students are to pick a term to define in three forms (parenthetical, sentence and expanded definitions), using at least four expansion strategies, one of which is visual. The goal of this assignment, with reference to assigned textbook


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