Category: Write or Flight

Aman Johal, Justin Tang, Delsther James Edralin, and Corbyn Kwan

Three Definitions: Brutalism

Introduction: The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate the ability to define a technical term for a non-technical audience. The objective is to provide a clear, concise, and accessible definition of the term, using a variety of expansion strategies,

Three Definitions: RAID

Introduction The purpose of this assignment is to differentiate between the types of definitions and appreciate the role of definitions in technical writing. Depending on the situation and audience, different levels of details are necessary to convey a definition’s meaning..

3 Definitions: Bioequivalent Medication

  Introduction: For this assignment we are tasked with picking a relatively complex term in a field which we have experience with. For this term, we are to compose a parenthetical, sentence and expanded definition to an audience of non-technical

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