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Assignment 1.3 : Three definition of “Kinesiology”

Term: Kinesiologist Target audience and Situation: General Public Parenthetical Definition Human movement specialist. Sentence Definition A Kinesiologist studies human movement, physical and sport activity to understand their impact on health, performance, society, and quality of life. Expanded Definition A Kinesiologist who has

1:3 Write Three Definitions – Yiyu Li

This document provides three definitions (parenthetical, sentence, and expanded) of the term Weight Stigma. This term is in my previous degree Nursing. The purpose of this activity is to practice the skill of explaining a complicated and technical subject to

Kinesiologist: Three definitions

Target audience and Situation: General Public Term: Kinesiologist Parenthetical Definition Human movement specialist. Sentence Definition A Kinesiologist studies human movement, physical activity and sport, their impact on health, performance, society, and quality of life. Expanded Definition A Kinesiologist provides unique and valuable

Assignment Due on Feb 8th

Hi Team, Just a reminder for the assignment due on Feb 8: Write three definitions: a parenthetical definition, a sentence definition, and an expanded definition on your writing team forum board before midnight [late assignments will loose 0.5 points per day]

How To Post on your Team Forum

Click on new POST. Click on your Team’s name in the categories box on the right –> Write your post Click Publish.

Letter of Application

Dear ENG301 Student Fraternity, 301 Riya Kathuria Application Letter.docx    I am writing to express my interest in joining the professional writing team for your English 301 Technical Writing class during the semester. As a psychology student, I possess robust

Peer Review of Yifan Jin’s Formal Report Proposal

To: Yifan Jin, BCS go” From: Aaron Liang, BCS go” Date: October 21, 2022 Subject: Peer Review of Formal Report Proposal Hello Yifan, I have finished reviewing your proposal for providing peer tutoring program for first-year students. And here are my

How to post on your Team Forum

Click on new post.  2. Click on your team name in the Categories box on the right. 3. Write your post and click publish


Hello Aaron, Thank you for showing your interest in my application to join the writing team. I agree that we have a common understanding when it comes to economics-related topics. I have a quantitative economics background but lack of training

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