

English 301 is a 3-credit online writing course, geared towards students interested in Co-op. 

There are several goals as stated in the course description.

In essence,  this course seeks to grant students the tools necessary for navigating writing in a professional environment. In order to accomplish this goal, students will engage with classmates in online discussion, and peer review, specifically focusing on the production and analysis of documents in such a context. Students will also develop an online portfolio, where they can present their resumes in a professional manner. 

There are three major assignments in this course:

  1. Formal Report 
    • Completed throughout the course of the term, and involves peer review and feedback
    • Focuses on one distinctive genre of technical writing; studying audience, tone, clarity, and presentation
  2. Application Package
    • Will design and write a full job application package for posting to your Linked-in site
    • Involves resume building and creating a social networking strategy
  3. Web Folio
    • A professionally designed website that presents your resume

In this course I hope to gain the skills necessary to effectively navigate a workplace. Crafting a professional website that best reflects what I can offer as an employee will be a boon to employers. I also, most importantly, aim to improve my ability to communicate. Team-work is an integral part of working in any industry, and so I anticipate this course will have a high return on investment in that context.