Reflection on Creating Web Folio

After completing most of my Web Folio, I was surprised that the Web Folio was something I found relatively easy. I spent some time outlining the general format, and what would go where. This planning helped me along considerably. However, what I found more difficult was figuring out the intricacies of WordPress formatting and site navigation. I am glad I persisted and sought out assistance online. I managed to find some tutorials that guided me through the process.

My favourite part of this assignment was putting my resume together online. I have not updated my resume since early September, so I had a few projects to add to the list. In addition, the Linkedin assignment had me elaborate on my work experience, projects, and background. This gave me the raw content needed to do the necessary work of filling in the gaps in my unpolished resume. I have no doubt that this online resume will be the stepping stone towards an even better and more revised copy in the future.

In addition, making the page containing my best works was interesting. Time flies, and I’ve learned a great deal since the beginning of this course. Looking through past work was proof positive of my incremental progress in this new domain of professional writing. However, I am a life-long student, and still have plenty to learn.

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