

My name is Aleem Tariq. I’m a third-year student in the BCS program, with a previous bachelor’s in Neuroscience. Outside of school and work, I enjoy creative writing, and reading, particularly in topics such as History and Psychology.

My academic journey has led me on an interesting path, and I hope to offer the skills and experience I have gained to an employer in the software industry. I started my academic path narrowly focused on Neuroscience. However, but as I learned more about this field and explored Computer Science, I realized that I would need to broaden my perspectives to find my niche.

I thoroughly enjoyed the process of learning to code; the long struggle associated with trying to solve a difficult problem only makes the fruit sweeter. There is, in addition, a creative ingredient to programming that completely consumes my attention. Building programs from the ground-up, overcoming challenges, and finally recognizing the product as something you built is incredibly fulfilling. A good example would be a To-Do List application I developed as part of a course project. I taught myself how to make the program user-friendly, interactive, and was able to develop an application that could be used as a daily planner. Another project I have developed is the TicTacToe-Agent; a tic-tac-toe game where the user plays against a search algorithm.

I seek job opportunities in the software industry and want to learn practices from the industry; the software development cycle, best coding practices, how problem domains are approached, and my overall role in the process. In doing so, I wish to demonstrate that I am a dependable and motivated employee. An opportunity to do so will grant me the much-needed experience necessary to turn my dream of finding a niche in the CS-Neuroscience intersection into a reality.