
Below is an online version of my resume. A PDF version is also provided if you wish to download it.

Aleem Tariq
2392 West Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4
Phone: (778) 111-1111
Aspiring Developer | Seeking Internship for Fall 2021 | UBC BCS Student


I am a 1st-year Computer Science student at UBC looking for a software-related internship/full-time opportunity in Fall 2021. I am eager to expand my CS-related skillsets and through experience in a variety of software-related roles, to gain a better understanding of the scope and scale of positions offered in the industry.


University of British Columbia – Bachelor of Computer Science (2020 – 2023)
University of British Columbia – Bachelor of Science (2015-2020)


Community Centre Database (November 2020)

  • Assisted in developing a community centre database.
  • Features in SQL, a relational database that models a community centre.
  • Setup on PHP framework, so a user can query information from the database from web GUI.

TicTacToe Agent (August 2020)

  • Developed a tic-tac-toe game where the user plays against a minimax-search algorithm.
  • Features in Python; data structures, algorithm design, and unit testing.

DailyPlanner (Dec 2019)

  • Developed an application that can function as a daily planner.
  • Incorporates an easy-to-use GUI, where a user can keep track of tasks.
  • Features in Java: data structures, unit testing, OOP, and APIs.

Disease Emergence Model (Dec 2019)

  • Modelled the emergence of a disease epidemic in a growing population.
  • The minimum population size needed to sustain an epidemic was determined.
  • Investigated conditions necessary to limit disease outbreak.
  • Features in Mathematica; mathematical analysis and modelling techniques.

Spatial Navigation and Sensory Modality (Apr 2019)

  • As part of a group effort, devised an experimental approach.
  • Aim of determining the relationship between sensory integration, place cells, and navigation strategies in rodents.

Work Experience:

Social Health Lab – Research Assistant (Nov 2017 – Dec 2018)
University of British Columbia

  • Contributed to Dr. Alec Beall’s investigation into the role of visual priming on parenting motivations, short-term mating motivations, and punitive condemnations of cultural norm violations.
  • Managed data collection and debriefings for hundreds of students.

Tanentzapf Lab – Research Assistant (May 2018 – Aug 2018)
University of British Columbia

  • Trait identification and sorting of mutant lines.
  • Performed fly larval dissection and analysis.

Volunteer Work:

Vancouver Coastal Health – Volunteer (Feb 2014 – Aug 2017)

  • Engaged patients by directing and assisting art programs, gardening, and other leisure activities.
  • Contributed to a seasonal newsletter via taking interviews

Harvest Project – Grocery Volunteer (Sept 2013 – Dec 2014)

  • Integrated well with a team committed to extending a hand up to families and individuals across the North Shore.
  • Involved in the maintenance of warehouse and food stores, ensuring freshness and availability.

Tools & Skills:

Industry Knowledge: Unit Testing, Version Control, Data Structures & Algorithms, Design Patterns
Tools: Java, Python, SQL, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, PHP, Mathematica, R

Enclosed: PDF link of Resume