Email Memorandum to Instructor

To: Erika Paterson, English 301 Instructor

From: Carman Chu, English 301 Student

Date: Jan 25, 2023

Subject: Summary of Letter of Application

As instructed on lesson 1:2, I have now posted my letter of application on my student blog to express my interest in finding a professional writing team. Below is a brief summary of what is included in my letter.

The letter is structure into 3 major parts:

  • An introduction to express my interest of finding a professional writing team
  • A summary of my professional and academic background and skills
  • My philosophical approach of my working habits

I have attached my letter of application at the end of this email memo. If you have any questions, concerns or require more information, please reach me at

Encl: 301 Carman Chu Application Letter


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