Application Package

This is my application package which includes a job posting for a Medical Office Assistant position, a cover letter, my resume, and three letters for a reference request.

Job Posting

This job posting included a job description of a Medical Office Assistant position at Vancouver Coastal Health, as well as qualifications required by the company and a summary about the company.

Job Posting

Cover Letter

The cover letter is addressed to the hiring manager at Vancouver Coastal Health and displays my strengths and skills that would be an asset for this position and why I would be the best candidate for this job.

Cover Letter


The resume showcases my contact information, previous experience, and skills that are focused around the position. The resume has been edited to appeal to medical assistant jobs.


Reference Letters

The three reference letters are written to past and present coworkers asking to be references for the Medical Office Assistant job position.

Three Reference Requests

Full Application Package

The full application package including all documents from above and a link to the assignment.


Application Package