Best Works

This page showcases the collection of my work from past assignments throughout ENGL 301 that displays my growth as a professional writer. All works have been revised by myself based on peer review and instructor feedback.

Definition Assignment

This definition assignment required students to write 3 technical definitions (parenthetical, sentence, expanded) of a word or phrase from their field of study. The purpose of this assignment was to learn how to write definitions in a way for anyone who is not familiar with the term to be able to understand it.

Link to Definition Assignment

Peer Review of the Definition Assignment

This peer review assignment required students to give feedback to another team member’s definition. The purpose of this assignment was to learn how to give feedback in a positive way while maintaining a professional tone. This allowed myself to also learn new writing techniques from my peers into my own writing.

Link to Peer Review of Definition

Formal Report Proposal, Memo, Progress, and Outline

The formal report proposal and memo required students to come up with a problem in their own community and create a feasible solution to this problem. We were then required to write a memo addressed to the professor on our proposed solution for approval. The outline and progress report followed shortly after to give insight to where the report progress was and what the formal report will look like. The purpose of the formal report timeline is to allow for us to enhance our research skills and practice our technical writing skills in a business setting.

Link to Formal Report Proposal

Link to Proposal Memo

Link to Progress Report

Link to Report Outline

LinkedIn Best Practices Memo

The LinkedIn best practices required students to research what makes a good LinkedIn profile to promote yourself and network using LinkedIn. This assignment was addressed to our team members with tips on how to amplify your profile to maximize the use of LinkedIn. The purpose of this assignment was to familiarize ourselves with using LinkedIn and how to network using social media sites such as LinkedIn.

Link to LinkedIn Best Practices

Memo to Evan Crisp

In the memo to Evan Crisp, we were tasked with writing some tips to Evan Crisp, a fellow student in our ENGL 301 class, on how to write a formal email to a professor requesting to join the class full-time. The purpose of this assignment was to learn more about the “You-Attitude” in our writing and to allow us students to use this “You-Attitude” in our future writing.

Link to Memo to Evan Crisp

Formal Report

This assignment of our final Formal Report required us to write the entire formal report with all data from when we did our research. The purpose of this assignment is to familiarize ourselves with how to properly write a formal report and practice our professional and technical writing.

Link to Formal Report

Peer Review of Formal Report

This assignment required students to give feedback to a fellow team member’s formal report draft. The purpose of this peer review was to learn how to give constructive feedback while still being positive and polite. The feedback provided would help the team member and as well as ourselves because we were able to look at another report and the writing style and technique used by other people that could be used in our own report.

Link to Peer Review of Formal Report