Creating a Web Folio

While creating my web folio, I got to look back on my previous works from the beginning of the course to the end. I was able to reflect back on how I’ve improved as a professional writer and how far my writing has gone toward the end of this course. When creating my web folio I also got to learn how to design a website and make it look aesthetically pleasing to visitors of my blog. On my web folio, I was able to highlight my best works from throughout the course that gave me the opportunity to grow as a writer and I got to input my application package, which will be viewed by potential employers.

After creating my web folio, I realized that there are a lot of components that go into creating a website. When I first created the website, I was struggling with how to use each function. The behind the scenes of a blog is scary and nerve-wracking because I’ve never worked with technology like this before, but as the course went on, I became familiar with using and running a website. The web folio is an exceptional method to display one’s skills and accomplishments in one spot. It is organized and easily accessible while also pleasing to the human eye. This was an overall great experience that I will take into my future endeavours.

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