
Hello everyone!

My name is Carman, I am 23 years old and I am a 4th year psychology student here at UBC. I was born and raised in Vancouver and I’ve been here my whole life. Some of my hobbies are baking, cooking, watching movies and video editing.

Some of my academic interests are psychology, asian studies, arts, geography, and biology. I used to be very interested in business, economics and accounting, but the more I got into it in post-secondary, the more I realized it was not for me, so I switched to psychology, which I ended up enjoying much more! Although I major in psychology in general, I specifically enjoy the social psychology aspect.

My professional interest is still a bit of a mess. Recently, I decided that the career path I want to go into is nursing. However, I am starting to change my mind. I initially wanted to do nursing due to the idea of getting to help people which is a very rewarding job, but after doing further research, I’ve come to realize it may not be the right path for me. An interest that I’ve always had growing up would be social media. With the rapid growth of social media, there are now many jobs offered in this field (social media managers, marketing, assistants, etc.). This course falls perfectly in the social media sector because it allows me to learn how to properly communicate with others online. A recent career path that I’ve also been considering would be event planning. I’ve always had a passion for this but never thought it was a viable career. Again, with event planning, communication with customers is a very important aspect. Learning how to better my professional written and online communication in a business setting is a quality asset.