Course Intro

Hi! Welcome to my blog for ENGL 301!


ENGL 301 is an online course, but also allows for students to network with each other and give feedback on each other’s work so that everyone can succeed, while also working closely with the professor. This course aims to help students who may want to learn how to write in a more professional manner through written or online contexts, such as emails, web folios, proposals, reports and many more basics to everyday working essentials of communication. The outcome for this course is for students to engage with peers in the class discussing our work through peer reviews. This course also introduces students to the different elements of professional and business writing and provides many opportunities to practice these fundamental techniques and strategies to develop self-writing skills.


Throughout this course, I hope to learn how to properly communicate professionally in a written or online context manner. I want to specifically learn how to appropriately type emails, write business proposals, abstracts, and anything that is involved with working in the real world. Since the rise of technology and globalization of social media and online communication, the need to properly communicate to others digitally is at an all time high. Many jobs and careers now require technical writing and communication as a qualification for any position. Having appropriate writing skills is not a common trait that many people hold. Allowing myself to gain this quality would become an asset when looking for a job that is in this technologically advanced world. Since the pandemic hit, many jobs have also found that remote work is more practical than going to work in person. This shift to rely on technology, again, makes technical writing an even more desired trait, which I believe that I need in order to succeed in the future.