Ten Best Practices for LinkedIn


The purpose of this LinkedIn assignment was to ensure that we knew how to effectively use LinkedIn as a networking tool while maintaining a professional profile for others to see . I learned that specific details can lead to greater outcomes for job leads.




To:                   The Empirical Pen, ENGL 301 Technical Writing Group

From:              Daniel Tsui, ENGL 301 Student

Date:               October 22, 2021

Subject:           Ten Best Practices for Using LinkedIn


Dear members of The Empirical Pen team,

Through my research, LinkedIn is a very valuable resource for recruiting potential candidates and finding job opportunities. LinkedIn is used worldwide and is considered the go-to for networking with people who work for potential companies you may want to work with.  Below are ten of my best LinkedIn practices to help your profile stand out:

  • Ensure your profile is filled out to the best of your knowledge with your full education history and/or license, certifications
  • Make sure to include a profile picture that is appropriate and professional
  • Be sure to highlight your achievements and previous roles in the field
  • Ensure your profile is free of grammatical errors
  • List out skillsets that you possess
  • Inclusion of any voluntary experiences
  • Have a short and concise headline that accurately reflects yourself in a few words
  • References and endorsements are very valuable as they reflect accountability on both parties
  • Communicate in a professional manner with professional speech when interacting with potential recruiters or candidates
  • Take advantage of the alumni network when networking with others

I hope these ten best practices of mine can help you get started to not just a great LinkedIn profile, but an excellent one. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me!


Works Cited

“Best Practices for Engaging Your Alumni on LinkedIn.” Advancement Form, www.advancementform.com/resources/best-practices-engaging-alumni-linkedin. Accessed 22 Oct. 2021.

Belcak, Austin. “15+ LinkedIn Profile Tips Guaranteed To Help You Win More Job Offers.” Cultivated Culture, 21 Sept. 2021, www.cultivatedculture.com/linkedin-profile-tips.

Deehan, Jane. “20 Steps to a Better LinkedIn Profile in 2020.” LinkedIn, 20 Feb. 2020, www.linkedin.com/business/sales/blog/profile-best-practices/17-steps-to-a-better-linkedin-profile-in-2017.

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