Unit One Reflection Blog


Throughout unit one, I learned many tricks and ways to format memos, application letters and emails in a professional matter. I felt that this was very useful and applicable to my current field of study when I am in a workplace environment.  I found the last assignment of unit one very intriguing to me as it forced me to think critically of a word I knew by heart, but to put it into words and to describe the word to a non-musical person was the challenging part.

Through the peer review, I was impressed with the layout of Coco Chen’s definition of “Riparian” as it was laid out nicely with subheadings in the expanded definitions. As this was done in Coco’s definition, I realized that subheadings could also be used to guide the reader along easier throughout the definition. As such, I have incorporated that feature to my definition as well. I could sense that we as students tried very hard to describe a word that we know like second nature to a person that has entirely no experience in that field. Having someone peer review the definitions that did not have any knowledge in the word was a very valuable and effective tool to gauge whether my definitions conveyed a clear and concise definition.

The most helpful tips I learned from this unit was to limit the number of pronouns used to improve tone and conciseness.  This is especially helpful in the workplace environment when communicating to other coworkers and peers in a professional and respectful manner.


Revised definition: https://blogs.ubc.ca/engl301-99a-2021wa/2021/09/30/definitions-of-staccato-daniel-tsui/

Peer’s Review: https://blogs.ubc.ca/engl301-99a-2021wa/2021/10/05/peer-review-of-definitions-of-staccato/

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