Unit Two Reflection


Throughout unit two, I have learned a vast amount of information. What I found very interesting were the best LinkedIn practices for a successful profile.  It contained very valuable information on making the best, professional tips for a good profile on LinkedIn and good ways to network with others rather than doing a traditional job application to increase one’s luck. Using short keywords to summarize your expertise and listing out all your achievements seemed to be the best tips I got out of it. I believe that combined with my research and my peers’ research, this will be very valuable insight for job applications after graduation.


The project proposal and outlines allowed me to plan diligently on a reasonable timeline. It occurred to me that the templates for the proposal and the outline were very helpful guidelines for this assignment and the future should I encounter the need to address such problem. Through the helpful tips for my proposal, I realized I needed to be clearer and more concise with the technical jargon. I learned that when writing such proposals, one must think carefully and ask oneself “Does this make sense to the general public?” as it is very easy to be lulled into believing a particular definition that you know by heart, could be something that others do not know.


Through the peer review, I had gotten used to the layout for proposals and it was easy to follow along because of such. Additionally, I had also found the same issue where technical jargon was used but it was not clear to the public. It was interesting to think about writing in the sense of the targeted audience.


Revised Report Proposal: https://blogs.ubc.ca/engl301-99a-2021wa/2021/10/15/proposal-for-reducing-carbon-emissions-by-incentivizing-the-use-of-electric-vehicles-on-ubc-vancouver-campus/

Report Outline: https://blogs.ubc.ca/engl301-99a-2021wa/2021/10/29/formal-report-outline-ubc-ev-parking/

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