Self Assessment Reflection


I found this course to be both enjoyable and challenging as it made me critically think about my word usage, and formatting to communicate to others effectively and clearly.

I was challenged with the lack of time in the learning process and wished I had more time to spend on practicing even more examples beyond the assignments have called for.  I felt that I was able to follow instructions adequately and come up with professional sounding memorandums and reports.

These strengths allow me to better communicate with my supervisors at work. Additionally, I now know what it takes to generate a report that is to be addressed by a specific group of people.

Reflections of Web Folio


Hello! I hope you enjoy the revamp of my website! The web folio assignment has allowed me to explore more inner workings of WordPress and through the tips provided, I believe I have successfully made a more professional, organized website that accurately reflects my professional activities and my background.

Additionally, this assignment allows me to reflect back upon on the assignments I have done throughout the term and all the useful information I have gained.  This course allowed me to critically think and organize my thoughts to make communication towards my future peers by being more concise and in a professional manner.

Unit Three Reflection Blog


This unit contained the most useful information for me by far.  I found the “You” attitude style of writing was both interesting and useful. It really demonstrated the usefulness of addressing letters that may be of demanding or requesting nature. Additionally, handling business complaints from the client’s perspective and the business’ perspective was a very valuable asset learned. It ensured the letters be of professional manner and not getting personal feelings mixed up in the letter from both parties’ perspectives.

The key takeaways I have learned from the formal report was finding credible data and correlations between the credible data and the surveyed data. By merging the two data sets, it was apparent what was really needed from the general population and the offerings provided by the public. The formal report also taught me that planning was essential. Through the previous unit’s assignments, the drafts and the outline, it allowed me to think and plan accordingly to what needed to be done, rather than to add things on the spot.

As I read through my peer’s formal report, I find that a clear layout and table of contents is crucial and not doing so will impact the readers’ experience with the report. I noticed some things that needed to be fixed but the draft was in overall good shape. This unit proved to be the most interesting and useful for me by yet.


Unit Two Reflection


Throughout unit two, I have learned a vast amount of information. What I found very interesting were the best LinkedIn practices for a successful profile.  It contained very valuable information on making the best, professional tips for a good profile on LinkedIn and good ways to network with others rather than doing a traditional job application to increase one’s luck. Using short keywords to summarize your expertise and listing out all your achievements seemed to be the best tips I got out of it. I believe that combined with my research and my peers’ research, this will be very valuable insight for job applications after graduation.


The project proposal and outlines allowed me to plan diligently on a reasonable timeline. It occurred to me that the templates for the proposal and the outline were very helpful guidelines for this assignment and the future should I encounter the need to address such problem. Through the helpful tips for my proposal, I realized I needed to be clearer and more concise with the technical jargon. I learned that when writing such proposals, one must think carefully and ask oneself “Does this make sense to the general public?” as it is very easy to be lulled into believing a particular definition that you know by heart, could be something that others do not know.


Through the peer review, I had gotten used to the layout for proposals and it was easy to follow along because of such. Additionally, I had also found the same issue where technical jargon was used but it was not clear to the public. It was interesting to think about writing in the sense of the targeted audience.


Revised Report Proposal:

Report Outline:

Unit One Reflection Blog


Throughout unit one, I learned many tricks and ways to format memos, application letters and emails in a professional matter. I felt that this was very useful and applicable to my current field of study when I am in a workplace environment.  I found the last assignment of unit one very intriguing to me as it forced me to think critically of a word I knew by heart, but to put it into words and to describe the word to a non-musical person was the challenging part.

Through the peer review, I was impressed with the layout of Coco Chen’s definition of “Riparian” as it was laid out nicely with subheadings in the expanded definitions. As this was done in Coco’s definition, I realized that subheadings could also be used to guide the reader along easier throughout the definition. As such, I have incorporated that feature to my definition as well. I could sense that we as students tried very hard to describe a word that we know like second nature to a person that has entirely no experience in that field. Having someone peer review the definitions that did not have any knowledge in the word was a very valuable and effective tool to gauge whether my definitions conveyed a clear and concise definition.

The most helpful tips I learned from this unit was to limit the number of pronouns used to improve tone and conciseness.  This is especially helpful in the workplace environment when communicating to other coworkers and peers in a professional and respectful manner.


Revised definition:

Peer’s Review:

Email to Lea Salamanca



Date: September 24, 2021
Subject: ENGL 301 – Writing Team Invitation
Attachment: 301 Daniel Tsui Application

Dear Lea,

I hope this email finds you well!

I am delighted to invite you to be part of my writing team for the ENGL 301 course. I have enclosed my application letter for your perusal detailing my professional and school experience.

Your background intrigues me as you specialize with a lot of culinary business operations! I congratulate you for your success on expanding a fast-food chain to 28 branches and increasing sales of a company by 300%! It is not a small feat to do!

I am happy to learn that you like to work with other people from various fields and backgrounds! I hope we can work together!

Please let me know your decision at your earliest convenience!  Should you have any questions, please feel free to ask away!

All the best,


Email to Jonathan Tam


Date: September 24, 2021
Subject: ENGL 301 – Writing Team Invitation
Attachment: 301 Daniel Tsui Application


Dear Jonathan,

I am delighted to invite you to be part of my writing team for the ENGL 301 course. I have enclosed my application letter for your perusal detailing my professional and school experience.

It seems that we are both in the same computer science program and have experienced being part of a research role!  It is reassuring to know that you see learning as a lifelong cycle and that mistakes are okay! I think we will get along easily and I firmly believe you are a strong fit for my writing team.

Please let me know your decision at your earliest convenience!  Should you have any questions, please feel free to ask away!

All the best,

Daniel Tsui

RE: Writing Team Invitation




Date: September 24, 2021

Subject: RE: Writing Team Invitation


Dear Kitty,

Based on your application, it seems that we do have quite a bit of things in common! Your role as a research assistant position intrigues me and leads me to believe that you are a very detail oriented person! As a bonus, we are both pursuing the same second degree in computer science!

With that being said, I accept your invitation to being partners in a writing team!

Looking forward to working with you soon!

All the best,

Daniel Tsui




To: Dr. Erika Paterson

From: Daniel Tsui <>

Date: September 20, 2021

Subject: Letter of Application


I hope this letter finds you well. Please find enclosed in my blog my letter of application to a team in the ENGL 301 course.

Listed below is a summary of my application:

  • Currently a student pursing Bachelor’s in Computer Science
  • Vast knowledge in music and technology
  • Previous work experience includes related fields and lots of skills
  • Easy-going and values strong communication amongst peers
  • Open to work collaboratively and open to work with peers of all backgrounds

Should you have any questions regarding my application, please reach me at my email and I will do my best to reply as soon as possible. I look forward to being part of the writing team should you find me suitable for this position.


All the best,

Daniel Tsui

301 Daniel Tsui Application Letter

301 Daniel Tsui Memorandum

Daniel Tsui Application


XXX Wilson Avenue,

Burnaby, BC, Canada V5H 4R8


September 20, 2021


ENGL 301 – Technical Writing 301

University of British Columbia

2329 West Mall

Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4


Dear ENGL 301 – Technical Writing Class,

I warmly invite you to consider my application for the professional writing team member role for the Winter Term 1 2021 as advertised in the ENGL301 website.  I am currently pursuing a Bachelor of Computer Science degree as well as a Master of Music in Violin Performance degree.  I have previously graduated in Bachelor of Music in Violin Performance at the UBC School of Music.


I have vast experience in music technology and am currently employed at UBC as a Research Assistant and a Teaching Assistant for the related fields. Aiming to strike a balance between music and technology, we manage to create effective pieces that are striking and intuitive to the audience.  Aside from music technology, I perform in orchestras and ensembles around town.


Working in a collaborative environment in orchestras allowed me to understand that strong communication amongst your players in the section is crucial to playing in sync with your peers. With music technology, I developed strong organizational and collaborative skills as we worked incrementally ensuring each step was achieved before moving on towards the next.


I am open to taking on new projects with all sorts of people from all backgrounds.  I aim to be an understanding and easy-going person amongst my peers.  Should my application qualify for your needs, please reach me at



Daniel Tsui

301 Daniel Tsui Application Letter