Unit 3 Reflection Blog

Unit 3 is short unit and is more challenging than the first two units.  I found it mind-intriguing to write the complaint and the say-no letters using the YOU-attitude.  Then, I had to complete the first draft of the formal report.  As I mentioned in the last reflection blog, even though the intended audience of my formal report is for my coworkers, my peers in Team Synergy are the first group of people who will review my report.  This was a challenging task because most of my coworkers know all the terms.  I had to reflect deeply to determine which technical terms I had to define.  That being said, when I reviewed the 160 completed surveys and conducted multiple analyses on the collected data.  There was a sense of accomplishment when the formal report was finally coming together.  I found the Risk Assessment and the Recommendations sections were very easy to draft because I dealt with risk assessment and legislation daily at work.  However, laying out the thought process on how the decisions of each risk level was challenging. I had to persuade my target audience on why the subject-matter requires their immediate actions.  Overall, I found that writing a 15-page formal report was not as taunting as I thought. I finally could appreciate the work done on the formal report proposal.  Instead of struggling on what to write in the formal report, I could focus on how to write it.

Inevitably, I found that reviewing a 15-page formal report a taunting task because I had to review a research topic that I was not familiar with.  I had to read the entire report twice before I could understand the topic and could critically think about all aspects of the report.  I got inspired in this peer review process.  Finally I realized that I was assigned to be the target audience of the report.  If I could not understand the research topic or how the writer conveyed the details in the report to resolve an issue, then there would be huge areas of improvement of the report.

I am thankful that I can see improvement and have received recognition on my writing skills at work.  As the course is coming to an end in about three weeks, I hope I can seize the opportunity to excel my writing skills after I have learned from my mistakes and the shortfalls from my previous assignments.

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