Reflection Blog – From Now and Beyond

This course has certainly stretched my comfort zones. First, I am not a tech-savvy person, being asked to develop a blog/website at the beginning of the course was very challenging.  In addition, it is beyond my capability to develop a webfolio for my final assignment.  As a field Environmental Health Officer, my writing has primarily been writing inspection reports and correspondences.  My peers and my employer do not use webfolio to advertise their work.

After created the webfolio and Linkedin profile, it has opened a new door for me to explore other employment opportunities and networking opportunities with other peers and professions. Environmental Health Officers are often called “Jack of All Trades” since we have many tools and solution ideas to tackle various public health issues.  My Linkedin profile has provided me a platform to showcase the different types of work and projects I have accomplished in the past years.  It includes the guideline I helped developed on preparing safe and healthy food in the VCH-permitted child care facilities.  In addition, a deserved section is utilized to outline all the volunteer work I have involved and led in various organizations and communities, which I cannot list them all on a paper-form resume.  My peers and potential employers can fully grasp my values and personalities.

Temporary full-time instructor position in the Environmental Health program at BCIT has been chosen for my application package assignment.  From my work experience, I have trained over 20 practicum students and have developed multiple training tools to help them applying their academic knowledge on the field.  I envision my role will not only about knowledge sharing with the students, but I also see myself as a mentor to expand their potentials and to prepare their exciting Environmental Health careers.  Therefore, I have chosen several inspirational quotes as my visuals in my webfolio, which can show my attributes to my potential employers.

After this course, I will continue updating my profile and building my professional network in Linkedin. By doing so, Not only I can highlight my strengths, but I can also understand my weaknesses, so I can pursue further education and training.  I am confident that my profile and all the tools I have learned from this writing course will make my professional aspiration come true.


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