Best Works

In the three-month English 301 course, I have had opportunities to write different types of documents.  Here are a few examples of my quality work:

  1. Definitions – This is an assignment about practicing writing definitions of a relatively complex terminology using a parenthetical definition, a sentence definition and an expanded definition.  Through this assignment, students can get more familiarized with writing definitions in various levels of details for a different target audience. 
  2. Business Letters – This is an assignment about writing two business letters.  The first one is a complaint letter about poor service, an error on the bill, or a malfunctioned product.  The letter is to persuade the responsible party to take necessary actions to rectify the situation.  The second letter is a letter replied from the responsible party to the writer about disclosing bad news (i.e. a “no”to demand a compensation about the situation addressed by the writer.)
  3. Peer Review Report – This is an assignment to review my peer’s job application package, which consists of a cover letter, a resume, and three letters to request references.
  4. Formal Report Proposal – This is my proposal of a term paper that requires topic research, data collection and resulting recommendations.  The topic is on the potential suction and entrapment hazards in permitted pools.  

Please feel free to contact me at if you would like more information on my work.

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