Business Letters

Complaint Letter

Mr. Gary Tam

1234 Sunset Blvd,

Burnaby, BC  V0V L0L


November 07, 2016


Facility Manager

Bonsor Recreation Complex

5660 Bonsor Ave,

Burnaby, BC

V5H 2G8

RE: Poor Customer Service at the Bonsor Recreation Complex

Dear Facility Manager,

I write to you about an unreasonable policy exercised, and the lack of efforts to improve the quality of customer service by the staff at the Bonsor Recreation Complex.  The City of Burnaby claims that it has been providing numerous community services to Burnaby residents to achieve or maintain active lifestyle for many years.  In the City of Burnaby Leisure Guide Fall 2016 & Winter 2017 Edition, it states that the leisure activities offer to seniors at the friendly community centers where they can meet and socialize, learn new skills and enjoy creative leisure time.  However, I feel that this is just a promotion tactic without any validity.

I went to the Recreation Complex in the past few months and witnessed seniors lining up for 45 – 60 minutes outside of the studios before they might be able to join the morning classes.  If they had to go to washrooms while they were lining up, staff in the facility would instruct them to return to the back of the line as accordance to the policy.  This policy posed serious grievances to these strong supporters.   Many of them preferred using their energy in the classes instead of lining up.  In addition, it was not fair to these enthused individuals to return to the back of the line when the nature called.  This policy defeats the message the City of Burnaby has been strongly advocating for many years.

I brought this issue to the staff and the supervisor of the facility.  They showed no empathy to the seniors who stood in the line for long periods of time.  What concerned me the most about your staff was the unwillingness to forward this issue to the management for service improvement.  This poor customer service should never been experienced in a friendly facility where the City claims.  I understand that policies are made for the administrative or operational needs in the facility.  However, they are also meant to be reviewed to better facilitate processes, so that your loyal patrons can benefit from the programs the facility offers.

I believe that the City of Burnaby offers various avenues to their residents to achieve or maintain active lifestyle.  I urge you and your management team to review the policies and procedures on this subject matter diligently.  I welcome further discussions by phone at (604) 123-4567 or via email

Best regards,

Gary Tam

Burnaby Resident

Letter on Delivering Bad News

Bonsor Recreation Complex

5660 Bonsor Ave,

Burnaby, BC

V5H 2G8


November 10, 2016


Mr. Gary Tam

1234 Sunset Blvd,

Burnaby, BC  V0V L0L

RE:  Response to your Complaint on Poor Customer Service at Bonsor Recreation Complex

Dear Mr. Tam,

Thank you for your valuable feedback on our service at the facility!  The respectful senior residents lined up for a long time before they could join the classes could be tiring.  In addition, I am sorry to hear that the responses from our staff did not meet your expectation.

Our management team in the Bonsor Recreation Complex regularly review our policies and procedures to provide a safe and pleasant environment to our patrons.  Your concern was raised in our last review.  To ensure that our tightly-scheduled classes can start and finish on time, the only solution is to have patrons line up outside of the fitness studios to better facilitate class transitions.  Due to the popularity of the facility, incidents such as thefts were occasionally reported.  To ensure patrons’ safety, they are asked not to leave their belongings unattended when they have to use the washrooms.  Since the line-up is unsupervised, it is only fair to all patrons if they return to the back of the line.

Our management always strives for providing high quality classes and excellent service to our patrons.  We welcome discussions with enthused individuals like you to help us improve our service via email at or at 604-012-3456.


Facility Manager

Bonsor Recreation Complex

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