Unit One Reflection Blog

Going into the definitions assignment,  I initially thought that I would have no issues. I quickly found that it was quite challenging for me to choose a term. I chose a couple terms and restarted a couple times before I eventually landed on “Lysosome” as my final choice. Once I had finally found my final term, the writing went smoothly. I found the parenthetical and sentence definitions to not be too challenging. The expanded definition definitely taught me the most, as I learned a lot from the textbook what goes into writing an expanded definition.

I greatly enjoyed the peer review process. I reviewed Amnia’s Three Definitions, and Jose reviewed mine. For Amina’s, I was fortunate in that their Three Definitions were quite excellent. The only recommendation that I made was the addition of a parenthetical definition for the word “ampoule” as I did not think their intended audience would know what this meant. I have learned that Amnia is a diligent and skillful writer, as I had little improvements to suggest. I am excited to work with Amnia this term and develop my writing alongside them.

I wholeheartedly agreed with Jose’s peer edit of my own Three Definitions. Many of the suggestions centred around grammar and word use. I found it easy to understand Jose’s suggestions and even easier to implement them in my revision.

The editing process was quite easy. I had some great comments from Jose that were easy to interpret and include in my revision. While editing my own Three Definitions, I gained some perspective into my writing style. Where I had thought that I was strong with my use of commas, I found that I had room to improve. A couple of my sentences needed grammatical revision, which I was able to do thanks to Jose’s diligent edits.

Overall, I have started to appreciate the world of technical writing through reading the textbook and interacting with my peers in my group. I am excited to continue this term and learn some new and useful techniques.


Find my revised Three Definitions here.

Find my peer’s review of my Three Definitions here.

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