Unit Two Reflection Blog

Unit 2 has brought many new and exciting challenges for me. However, creating a LinkedIn profile was not one of them! I had previously already had an active LinkedIn account that I regularly updated and used to connect with others. Therefore, the creation process was quite simple! I find it valuable to have a LinkedIn profile that can be used to connect professionally with peers and potential employers. I found the feedback my peer reviewer gave to me to be quite useful at bringing my profile that one step further. I also benefited from reviewing my peers’ profiles, as I was able to take pieces that I liked in terms of organization and flow, and apply them to my own.

To be completely honest, the process of brainstorming went quite smoothly. I found that my deep understanding of the organization I chose, the UBC Residence Hall Association (RHA), allowed me to easily identify ways to study it and suggest improvements. Additionally, these ideas I wrote down were ideas that I had had before but had never articulated in such a way as I did for the report proposal. I am excited to finally formalize them into a report that will hopefully usher in some new discussions and potential changes down the road with the UBC RHA. I really do not have any questions about how this will come together. I have written lengthy feasibility reports before, and am familiar with the process. I anticipate that this formal report will flow similarly, with my research and findings supporting recommendations that I will make to the decision body of the UBC RHA.

Throughout this course, I have greatly enjoyed conducting peer reviews. For the formal report proposal, I had the privilege of peer reviewing Rodrigo’s formal report proposal. In Rodrigo’s proposal, which was well written, I gained an understanding of what a climbing co-op is, and more specifically, what the Rockfish Climbing Co-op is and why it is important to Rodrigo. Beyond the content, I gained valuable insights on how to write a report proposal from the way that Rodrigo structured his. In my own writing, I learned different ways of presenting my “voice” through my written work. Each of my peers have different writing voices, and I found it interesting to compare theirs to mine. This has allowed me to consider different ways of saying things on paper and has made me a more effective writer.

Peer review of Mitchell Prost’s Report Proposal


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