Unit Three Reflection Blog

Unit Three introduced me the concept of writing with YOU Attitude. This was a concept that I had recognized in written work but had never been formally described to me. While the concept was initially difficult to grasp, it would ultimately be helpful in adding an extra layer of professionalism to my written work. I am confident that I will carry this skill with me throughout my professional writing.

Unit Three also introduced the formal report draft. I found the process of preparing to write the draft to be one of research, critical thought, and a lot of reflecting. My topic centered around finding ways to improve the UBC Residence Hall Association (RHA), an organization that I have been involved in for quite some time. A lot of the research that I needed to do was reflection on my past experiences and articulating theme into suggestions for improvements. This was not a new task for me with this organization; I have previously created reports with suggestions for improvement that have been heard by RHA Cabinet and adopted into actual changes. It is my hope that this report will follow a similar process. 

I additionally ahd the opportunity to conduct 1:1 interviews with the RHA executives to discuss positional duties and their respective workloads. I found this process to be helpful in not only gathering information for my report, but also for solidifying my working relationships with them. It’s hard to maintain relationships in a pandemic, and ever harder to create new ones, so I found this to be a welcome unexpected benefit of this project. I learned a lot about my topic, much of which will be discussed in my report. 

I am looking forward to completing my report and presenting my findings to the RHA Cabinet in early 2021.

Formal Report Draft

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