About Me

Mitchell Prost

Info about me

I am a current 5th year student at the University of British Columbia, aiming to graduate in May 2021. I am pursuing a major in Biology with a Minor in Behavioural Neuroscience. While at UBC, I have had the privilege to be involved in quite a few different student groups, including the AMS, Residence Life, the Centre for Student Involvement and Careers and more. I additionally have been able to conduct research in Pediatric Emergency Medicine in my undergrad as a Research Assistant in the Doan Lab at the BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute.

Professional Interests

As I am graduating in the near future, I have begun to organize my professional interests to better understand what career would best fit me. 

I have narrowed my interests down to the following areas:

    • Student Affairs
    • Higher Education Leadership
    • Student Residence Administration
    • Student Development and Support

These areas require strong leadership and supervisory skills, along with excellent interpersonal abilities. I have shaped my involvements over the past fews years to make me as competent in these proficiency areas as possible.

Academic Interests

As a current Research Assistant, I work on a couple studies based out of the BC Children’s Emergency Department. These studies involve topics in Pediatric Emergency Medicine such as improving the diagnosis of acute illnesses, pediatric mental health, and more.

Broadly, my academic interests include the following topics:

    • Clinical Medicine
    • Molecular Biology
    • Neuroscience
    • Animal Genetics and Genomics
    • Animal Development



For more detailed information about  me and my involvements, visit my LinkedIn page here.

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