
Welcome to English 301 blog spot for Richard Chen. Here, I will be making various blog posts relating to reflections, reviews, and assignments for the course.

English 301 is a course that introduces technical writing to students in disciplines ranging from commerce to the sciences. It involves the preparation of formal reports, communications in the workplace, and various digital media including blogging sites such as this one.

The objectives of the course are to primarily provide exposure to the principles of technical writing, while offering opportunities to practice these principles while engaging peers in discussion and reflection. These techniques will enable the learner to be more critical of their own work, as well as the work of others.

In this course, I am looking to define a robust strategy in which I can approach formal communications. Specifically, I would like to create an almost formulaic checklist that enables me to respond effectively and with consideration of my audience’s expectations, but not so rigid that I feel trapped and the resulting writing being devoid of personality.

I believe that by developing such as strategy in my approach to communication, I will benefit by gaining a captive audience more receptive to my ideas – whether that be a future manager, a third party reviewing proposals, or more casual communication between coworkers.

At the end of this course, I will have collected a range of works that can act as a benchmark for my continuous development in technical writing. It is my hope that as readers, you can also learn from my self and peer reflections and join me on this journey of development.

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