Webfolio Creation Reflection

In the creation of my webfolio, I had the chance to revisit several of my older assignments from the beginning of the course. This forced me to confront my former style of writing, which I had not expected to change in the way it did since I began the course – this I go into more detail in my self-assessment reflection.

The most amazing part of this last assignment was realizing how an entire semester of smaller works has added up to an amount that could even be compiled into a portfolio. Looking at it now, I believe that if I were asked to replicate the webfolio with all my chosen works, I would say it was not possible. However, it clearly was possible as you can see from each section of the webfolio in the navigation bar at the top.

The reflection blogs, including the one I am currently writing, are a valuable way to look back and acknowledge my own self-growth. It is important to realize the new skills gained at the end of each set of lessons, so that you can continue to draw on them in the future.

The LinkedIn section is a constant reminder that although we may be students now, one day that will end and you will need to market yourself to employers. Networking and cultivating an online presence is an important determinant in landing a job. In researching best practices for LinkedIn, I feel well prepared to maintain and grow my network.

The importance of job search preparation is further underlined in the online resume and application package sections. The online resume provides a searchable and convenient compilation of your educational history and existing job experience. It was a challenge to reformat my existing resume to be suitable for an online version, but I believe it maintains the same level of professionalism and showcases my talents effectively. Likewise, the application package was a good exercise in showcasing the most relevant parts of your skillset for specific job postings. While I have had success in my cover letter and resumes in the past, the requests for reference letters was an excellent exercise in approaching past acquaintances from a position of humility.

Lastly, each of the works chosen and showcased in the ‘Best Work’ section has been polished to the best of my abilities. I can proudly say that section houses the accumulation of a semester worth of effort.

I am glad this course does not have a final. Not because I would mind writing one, but because the webfolio is a much more comprehensive learning experience than can be represented in a two hour exam. After all, none of the work created took a mere two hours, but is the result of many self-review and peer review sessions.

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