Best Work

Definition Assignment

The definitions assignment was an exercise in explaining complex, industry specific terminology and defining that word using a parenthetical definition, sentence definition, and expanded definition. The goal of the assignment was to define the term in a way that a common person with no background on subject would understand each of the definitions. Below, you will find my definition on ‘Accrual Accounting’. In this assignment, I learned the value of fully explaining any technical terms needed to explain the chosen definition.

Peer Review of Definitions

In the course, students were encouraged to provide each other with feedback on their writing. The definitions peer review was our first exposure to writing peer reviews in the course. Below, I have included a revised version of the peer review initially done in Unit 1, incorporating later lessons such as ‘YOU-Attitude’. In revising this assignment, there is a stark difference between how I initially wrote it (using many pronouns and commands instead of ‘ing’ words), and how I approach peer reviews today.

Formal Report Proposal and Progress Report

The formal report was a major assignment that was continuously worked on throughout the semester. This assignment had us create a proposal for the formal report to convince the audience of a need for the formal report. The progress report details in more specifics, how the formal report will be completed in terms of timeline, and data collection (crafting survey and interview questions). In my proposal and progress memo, I lay the foundations for how I planned on approaching the topic of “Improving Work-life Balance in PwC Canada’s Audit Service Line”.

Complaint Letter and Response Letter

In this assignment, students were tasked with choosing a situation and company for which they would write a complaint letter regarding an unsatisfactory experience. We were also tasked with writing a professional response while maintaining a positive tone to the complaint letter, from the prospective of a company representative. In these letters, I addressed Memory Express (a computer hardware store) from the perspective of a dissatisfied customer, and addressed the customer from the perspective of a Memory Express representative.

Peer Review of Application Package

The application package assignment was an exercise in preparing students to apply for jobs within their field. In that assignment, we were tasked with choosing a job posting and crafting a cover letter, resume, and three requests for reference letters. As usual, we were also given an opportunity to review each others application packages, which serve as a valuable chance to revise our applications before sending them out in the real world.

Peer Review of Formal Report

Nearing the last week of the course, we were tasked with providing each other feedback on the draft formal reports submitted in the previous week. As the formal report is an important milestone assignment for this course, peer feedback was invaluable in preparing the report for its final revision.