Best Works

This page features some of my best works over this term of ENGL 301. I have revised them based on the feedback from my teammates and the instructor. 

Three Definitions 

It contains three definitions for a technical term of our own choice. Through this assignment, I realized the importance of having a clear and concise definition. Also, having target audience in mind would definitely help in writing good definitions. 

Peer Review of the Definition Assignment 

This was the first peer review I have written. By carefully evaluating my teammate’s writing strategies and offering constructive criticism, I was able to learn more techniques in writing better definitions, such as using comparison and contrast. 

Formal Report Proposal 

Formal Report Memorandum 

Brainstorming an appropriate, doable research topic was hard, but I am really happy that I learnt a ton about the research progress. The lesson I learnt from the Three Definitions assignment also apply here: knowing the audience will guide the writing. 

Formal Report Progress Report with Survey 

Formal Report Outline 

Drafting an outline definitely helped me get started on writing a well-structured formal report, and the progress report was really useful in time management. As for survey, I never realized having an appropriate introduction could be this important, as this is related to fulfilling research ethics. 

LinkedIn Best Practices Memorandum 

Although having been using LinkedIn since my last degree, doing research on best practices let me know more about the platform and gave me chance to keep improving my profile. 

Memorandum to Evan Crisp 

Providing suggestions to a student who used inappropriate tone in his email with professor. It was a fun assignment, but made me reflect on some etiquettes of writing professional emails. The important lesson here was to use “You” attitude when providing suggestions to soften the tone. A lot of the previous assignments were revised based on this principle. 

Complaint and Adjustment Letters 

Complaint letter is used to express our disappointment towards services, and an adjustment letter is the response to such complaint. Both letters should be concise, but also detailed. Again, appropriate tone is the key.

Peer Review of Formal Report Draft 

Although working on similar topics, reading my teammates’ work was still a pleasure. It showed me how to provide detailed and logical recommendations, which was useful when preparing the final report.