Unit 1 Reflection Blog

Throughout the process, I have learned to view my writing from a more critical perspective and how to make necessary revisions to enhance the clarity and coherence of my work. The peer review process, in particular, helped me to see my writing from a different angle and consider how others might interpret my work.

For the writing process, I learned three ways to write a definition in different angle. I choose weight stigma as my term because I think weight stigma is very common nowadays but not many people are aware of it. I think the most useful way I learned to explain weight stigma is the expanded definition. It gives me many ways to explain weight stigma well can clearly.

The peer review process was beneficial because it allowed me to receive constructive feedback and suggestions from my peers. The feedback was detailed, specific, and helped me to identify areas in my writing that needed improvement. One of the most valuable things I learned during the peer review process is how to present my ideas more clearly and effectively. It was also helpful to receive suggestions on how to organize my ideas and make my writing flow better. Terry’s writing is awesome, but I found some citation issues which would make me pay more attention to citation rules on my writing in the future.

Through the editing process, I learned how to be more meticulous when revising my work. I had to check my work multiple times to ensure that my ideas were clear, concise, and that my grammar and punctuation were correct. During this process, I realized that it is crucial to take the time to carefully edit and proofread my writing to produce a polished final product.

Overall, the experience of writing, receiving feedback, and editing was a rewarding and educational process. Through this process, I have gained a better understanding of how to communicate effectively, how to take and provide constructive feedback, and how to produce a high-quality piece of writing.


Link to Revised Definition: Revised Definition

Link to Peer’s Review: Peer’s Review

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