Application Letter

Dear all the 301 students,

I am writing to express my interest in joining the professional writing team for the semester. I am looking forward to joining a team that is compatible with my goals and personality.

I have working experience in both the technology industry and the health industry.  I learned a great deal in nursing: accountability, empathy, teamwork, effective communication, time management, organization skills, managing stressful scenarios, just to name a few. The experiences and skills I acquired in nursing have continued to benefit me in my roles as a student and a software developer intern.

I love the problem-solving and team-oriented aspects of computer science. The many ‘ah-hah’ moments encountered during my co-op and in various projects made my coding journey more enjoyable and rewarding.The teamwork setting has allowed me to learn from peers and mentors who are more experienced than I am. I remember sitting in a design meeting with senior staff and manager thinking, “wow I’ve never thought of this before. This is awesome”. The communication skills I gained from nursing has allowed me to get my idea across effectively in these meetings, even in challenging remote settings.I am also passionate about learning new tools, technologies, and programming languages

Thank you for your time and consideration. Feel free to contact me if you are interested in me:


Yiyu Li.

301 Yiyu Li Application Letter


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