Author Archives: YiyuLi

Welcome to Yiyu’s ENGL 301 Blog!

English 301 is a dedicated writing course offered in an online classroom environment. During the course, you will be expected to work in three ways: independently; in consultation with your instructor; and also collaboratively in writing teams to be established by your instructor in the first unit of the course.

The course has these major purposes:

  1. to introduce you through course readings and activities to the distinctive elements of writing in business, professional, and technical contexts;
  2. to provide you with opportunities to practice and perfect in a series of shorter assignments and longer projects the strategies and techniques particular to writing in these contexts;
  3. to engage you with your classmates in online discussion, peer review, and analysis of documents produced for business, professional, and technical contexts;
  4. to direct you to the considerable resources available to you through UBC’s Career Services unit;
  5. to involve you in developing and designing an online portfolio in two forms: a Linked in profile with accompanying references and a professionally designed website that also presents your resume;
  6. to encourage and assist you in reflecting on your writing and developing self-editing skills.

Being a Chinese international student, I’m excited to take this course as it would be an excellent opportunity for me to improve my professional communication skills. I believe that mastering these skills will help me better present myself and my ideas in an English-speaking work environment. In addition, I’m looking forward to practicing and perfecting the art of crafting an outstanding resume and cover letter. As the course requires working in teams and providing feedback to one another, I’m confident that I will enhance not only my technical writing abilities but also my reflection, review, editing, and developmental skills. By the end of the course, I hope to have developed a comprehensive set of communication skills that will enable me to achieve success in my future career endeavors.

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Unit 3 Reflection Blog

Formal Report Draft

During the process of researching, organizing, and writing the formal report draft on granting Chinese nurses the right to prescribe medication, I learned the importance of paying attention to details. It is crucial to ensure that every aspect of the report is thoroughly researched and organized in a clear and concise manner. I realized that conducting thorough research on the topic is crucial to ensure that the information presented is accurate and relevant. Additionally, it is essential to ensure that the sources used are reliable and trustworthy.

To ensure that the report was well-organized, I created an outline that provided a clear structure for the report. The outline helped me to identify the key areas that needed to be covered and ensured that the report flowed logically. Moreover, it helped me to ensure that all the necessary information was included in the report.

When writing the report, I found it helpful to use simple language and to avoid using technical jargon. This made it easier for readers to understand the report’s contents and ensured that the report was accessible to a broader audience. Additionally, I found that using examples and case studies helped to provide context and make the report more engaging.

One of the challenges I encountered during the process was finding reliable sources of information on the topic. To overcome this challenge, I ensured that the sources used were peer-reviewed journals, academic articles, and reports from reputable organizations. I also used the assistance of Professor Erika Paterson from the University of British Columbia to ensure the quality of the survey used for the report.

Overall, the process of researching, organizing, and writing the formal report draft was a valuable learning experience. It helped me to improve my attention to detail and organizational skills, and I gained valuable insights into the nursing profession in China. The report’s findings could provide evidence-based information for healthcare policymakers to make informed decisions that could improve the quality of care provided to patients in China.


Peer review

As I reflect on the process of researching, organizing, and writing the peer review of Miranda’s formal report draft, I realize how important attention to detail is. To provide a comprehensive review, it was necessary to read the report multiple times, paying attention to the language, structure, and design. It was essential to look for inconsistencies and inaccuracies and provide constructive feedback on how to improve the report.

One thing that stood out was the importance of presenting findings objectively without bias or personal opinion. It is crucial to analyze data and literature thoroughly to provide evidence-based suggestions for improving teaching approaches. Additionally, organizing the report logically, using clear headings and subheadings, helps readers navigate the report with ease.

Another important aspect was to use appropriate language for an academic report, with clear and concise writing style. It was crucial to use references to relevant literature and provide a detailed analysis of the data collected through the online survey. Lastly, the design of the report played a crucial role in enhancing its readability. The use of tables and figures was appropriate and increased the readability of the report.

Overall, this peer review process has taught me the importance of paying attention to detail in writing and the role of constructive feedback in improving the quality of a report.

Unit 1 Reflection Blog

Throughout the process, I have learned to view my writing from a more critical perspective and how to make necessary revisions to enhance the clarity and coherence of my work. The peer review process, in particular, helped me to see my writing from a different angle and consider how others might interpret my work.

For the writing process, I learned three ways to write a definition in different angle. I choose weight stigma as my term because I think weight stigma is very common nowadays but not many people are aware of it. I think the most useful way I learned to explain weight stigma is the expanded definition. It gives me many ways to explain weight stigma well can clearly.

The peer review process was beneficial because it allowed me to receive constructive feedback and suggestions from my peers. The feedback was detailed, specific, and helped me to identify areas in my writing that needed improvement. One of the most valuable things I learned during the peer review process is how to present my ideas more clearly and effectively. It was also helpful to receive suggestions on how to organize my ideas and make my writing flow better. Terry’s writing is awesome, but I found some citation issues which would make me pay more attention to citation rules on my writing in the future.

Through the editing process, I learned how to be more meticulous when revising my work. I had to check my work multiple times to ensure that my ideas were clear, concise, and that my grammar and punctuation were correct. During this process, I realized that it is crucial to take the time to carefully edit and proofread my writing to produce a polished final product.

Overall, the experience of writing, receiving feedback, and editing was a rewarding and educational process. Through this process, I have gained a better understanding of how to communicate effectively, how to take and provide constructive feedback, and how to produce a high-quality piece of writing.


Link to Revised Definition: Revised Definition

Link to Peer’s Review: Peer’s Review


To:                   Erika Paterson

From:               Yiyu Li

Date:                January 27, 2023

Subject:           Confirmation of Application Letter Posting

I have finished and updated my letter of application for joining a professional writing team in English 301 on my student blog. I attached this memo and a copy of the letter below.

The attached letter of application includes:

  • My work experience and what I have learned from that experience.
  • Some example of my work philosophy.

Thank you for taking the time to review my application letter and please let me know if you require any additional information. I look forward to your feedback.

301 Yiyu Li Application Letter

Application Letter

Dear all the 301 students,

I am writing to express my interest in joining the professional writing team for the semester. I am looking forward to joining a team that is compatible with my goals and personality.

I have working experience in both the technology industry and the health industry.  I learned a great deal in nursing: accountability, empathy, teamwork, effective communication, time management, organization skills, managing stressful scenarios, just to name a few. The experiences and skills I acquired in nursing have continued to benefit me in my roles as a student and a software developer intern.

I love the problem-solving and team-oriented aspects of computer science. The many ‘ah-hah’ moments encountered during my co-op and in various projects made my coding journey more enjoyable and rewarding.The teamwork setting has allowed me to learn from peers and mentors who are more experienced than I am. I remember sitting in a design meeting with senior staff and manager thinking, “wow I’ve never thought of this before. This is awesome”. The communication skills I gained from nursing has allowed me to get my idea across effectively in these meetings, even in challenging remote settings.I am also passionate about learning new tools, technologies, and programming languages

Thank you for your time and consideration. Feel free to contact me if you are interested in me:


Yiyu Li.

301 Yiyu Li Application Letter