Online Resume

Rainie (Yiyu)  Li  Expected Grad: 2024

Vancouver, British Columbia | (+1)236-989-9398 | |


 Bachelor of Computer Science(BCS) | University of British Columbia              2021/09 – present

  • Relevant Coursework: Computer Hardware and Operating Systems, Intermediate Algorithm Design and Analysis, Introduction to Relational Databases, Systematic Program Design
  • BCS Hackathon: Third Place

 Master of Nursing | Central South University                                                       2019/09 – 2022/06

 Bachelor of Nursing | Central South University                                                   2015/09 – 2019/06



 Software Developer Intern                                                                                        2023/1 – present

 Scotiabank-Tangerine                                                                                               Toronto, Canada

  • A member of the DevOps team migrating a legacy CI/CD pipeline to a modern framework (Jenkins) to allow more comprehensive integration with current tools.
  • ​​Automated and Optimized processes, using tools like Jenkins, SonarQube, JIRA, Confluence, Artifactory, Docker.
  • Developed scripts to automate clean-up activities in Artifactory, reducing manual effort by 80% and scripted Git hooks to improve Git functions to streamline version control processes.



Hair Style Club – Full Stack | React.js, Node.js, Express, MongoDB                                                   2022/06

  • Built an app where users can share new hairstyles(image & comment) and the exact location of hair salon.
  • Designed an interactive and user-friendly front-end interface of 5 pages and constructed it with React.
  • Implemented back-end REST API with Node.js and Express.
  • Connected MongoDB database with Mongoose and stored information as collections.
  • Secured the application with basic Authentication by generating JWT on both ends.

Welp – BCS Hackathon Project | JavaScript, HTML, React Native                                       2022/03

  • Built an Android App demo using React & Javascript. Users can add locations of washrooms they find in UBC, and include comments for each washroom. Located each washroom in Google Map with Google Map API.
  • Learned basic Android app development and programmed in a team of four. Responsible for designing and implementing front-end interface, including text field, button, background.

Diabetes Management App – Desktop App | Java, Test Driven Development, JUnit, Swing 2022/04

  • Designed a desktop app using Java for diabetes patients to log their blood glucose level and medication.
  • Extended JSON class in Java library to store the blood sugar data.
  • Provided GUI interfaces using Java Swing to better improve the users’ experience.
  • Employed test-driven development with JUnit testing and achieved 100% code coverage.

SuperTransit – Full Stack App | PHP, HTML, SQL                                                                  2022/11

  • Built a web app that allows users to query various information about vehicles in the transit system.
  • Implemented projection, join and aggregation query with PHP and SQL in back-end.
  • Designed 3 web pages for queries with CSS, HTML.

Image Filler – Desktop App | C++                                                                                          2022/06

  • Developed a desktop app to fill the image by each pixel in DFS and BFS.
  • Implemented functions to process and transfer image pixels to output changed images.



Language: Python, Java, C, C++, JavaScript, TypeScript, CSS, HTML, R, SQL, C#

Frameworks/Techs: React, Express, Node.js, RESTful, MongoDB, Numpy, Pandas, Git