Instructor’s Blog

Revised Syllabus

By erikapaterson on April 4, 2020 @2:38 pm

Hello 372; Due to the challenges of the Coronavirus pandemic and in accordance with guidance from the English department, I have revised the course syllabus to offer three options for grade distribution. You can see these options below and on our course website. For the sake of expediency, please post your questions on our private […]

Update: End of Term Evaluations

By erikapaterson on March 30, 2020 @8:31 am

Good Monday Morning English 372; I hope you are all well and adjusting to this strange and scary situation. I am back at work today with the goal of updating all of your evaluation sheets as quickly as possible. I am also answering your emails fast as I can. I will limit my comments on […]

End of Term Evaluation and our Syllabus

By erikapaterson on March 24, 2020 @12:15 pm

Good Tuesday everyone; O.K. we all have some choices to make and I want to work toward as much flexibility for people as possible. I figure there are two ends to your feelings as a class; at one end there are people who really want to focus on school work during this crisis and at […]

A small note on language

By erikapaterson on February 28, 2020 @4:51 pm

A small note on language: the word “slave’ as in — My ancestors were ‘slaves’ – is a noun that names without recognizing, or one could say, with hiding the act of enslaving people. As if a person is innately ‘a slave’ – so, try to replace ‘slave’ with enslaved’ – this way there is […]

Midterm Blog and Dialogue Evaluations

By erikapaterson on February 23, 2020 @8:45 am

Hello 372; It is time to submit your three favourite blogs from the first two units for evaluation. The best way to do that is to post a blog with links to the three and a short intro to each blog. I will be reading through blogs steadily all of the upcoming week, so the […]