Lesson 1:2 – Story and Literature

Hello 372;

If you are having technical difficulties, or any difficulties at all — please feel free to email me: erika.paterson@ubc.ca. If you are feeling frustrated with the tools we are using, I am patient and understanding.  My goal is to teach not judge; no question is too small or too long or too late to ask.

Just so you know, I like to work very early in the mornings most days and I like to quit working around one.  During this time I am always monitoring our Chat and Facebook page and my inbox. I do not like to work on weekends, but I am dedicated enough to “typically” check daily when difficult assignments are coming due, in case someone is really in a panic – I don’t like panic, it is not good for your creativity or your well-being. I can also disappear for a couple of days during the week sometimes, but I will typically let you know ahead of time.  I will always post a link on our Facebook page and our Chat page when I post a new blog.


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