Comment Sheets

Good Saturday ‘it’s February already?- 372

I am up bright and early with the birds and the sun determined to get comment sheets out to all of you today. Many of you have received my comments, but too many of you have not. I like to be able to connect with each of you before the end of our first cycle, which is what I like to call the units – cycles. Alas, I am late, but I am old too. And, elders have special privileges that young people do not have because we are smarter — and we need more sleep.

I will post on FB today as well as here. As I read through your Blogs, I will make some of my comments open to all of you when I come across common mis-understandings (for example when to capitalize Indigenous and Aboriginal *always, just like Canadian and European), and interesting questions or even lovely sentences, sometimes. I’ll share some links, here and on our FB page – I always double up what I put on FB because some people do like to be there.

So, here I go; I begin the reading-dialoguing process once again – hot coffee beside me and the sun rising out my window in the east ….

I hope you all have a lovely Saturday

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