Update: End of Term Evaluations

Good Monday Morning English 372;

I hope you are all well and adjusting to this strange and scary situation. I am back at work today with the goal of updating all of your evaluation sheets as quickly as possible. I am also answering your emails fast as I can. I will limit my comments on your evaluation sheets in the interest of completing this task quickly.  Once I have updated everyone, I will rewrite and repost our Syllabus – I am aiming for Friday. April 3rd. In the meantime, if you wish to continue working – please do so.

The best way to communicate your choice of the three options posted on the previous post, is to send me an email with a subject line that reads one of the following:

  • 301 Re-weight my Grade
  • 301 Withdraw with W
  • 301 Change Registration

Please do not stress yourself, you have time to make this decision.  As you consider your options, please read the following conclusion to the email I received from the Head of the Department, thank you all.

Arts Academic Advising will be available Monday-Friday to answer your questions as responsively as we can, but please be aware that processes and timelines are still being developed. We will do everything we can to support students who had applied to graduate this term; please understand that it has to be a priority to make it possible for them to complete their degree. Information is changing rapidly right now. We remain committed to your academic success and will provide you with additional information as soon as possible. Please continue to follow public health guidelines and work with your instructors, knowing that we will be in touch shortly.

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