Instructor’s Blog

King and Hierarchies – what is he trying to show us?

By erikapaterson on March 18, 2021 @4:23 pm

Enigmas and Laughter (Assignment 2:4) Yet Lutz and Wendy Wickwire help us to see that, practically speaking, we’re not dealing with a simple static dichotomy of monomyth vs polymyth but with fluid, changing, constantly renegotiated contact zones, meetings of horizons in which different (but perhaps not wholly incommensurable) stories meet. Values and outcomes are always […]

How To Post on your Research Team Page

By erikapaterson on March 18, 2021 @8:52 am

Start a new Post In the Category Box on the right, find you Research Team Name and click When post is ready – click Publish

Educators, Hyperlinks and HOMEs

By erikapaterson on March 17, 2021 @10:58 am

This is such an excellent example of a blog with GREAT hyperlinks! For all you Educators out there – this is an excellent read: The First Peoples Principles of Learning: An Opportunity for Settler Teacher Self-Inquiry‘ by Kelly Hanson Moodie’s Awareness of Her Stories I think Moodie’s introduction demonstrates some limited awareness of the stories […]

Finding the Intersections

By erikapaterson on March 16, 2021 @12:39 pm

Life in the age of Covid 19 “‘Home’ was one place, ‘work’ was someplace else. But under work-from-home, the two places melded into one. Where I once had the security of knowing I could simply close my eyes to the world outside, strangely, the world outside was seeping in. I had to manage the space […]

Mid Term Evaluations

By erikapaterson on March 8, 2021 @9:37 am

Good Monday 372; It is coming up to time to choose your three favorite blogs for Mid Term evaluation. Try to find some time this week, before posting your final Blog for Unit 2, to read through your blogs to date, including the dialogues and choose the three you are most happy with. You are […]