Mid Term Evaluations

Before I begin a discussion on the evaluation process, I want to ask you — once again, to consider what is wrong with the following list of names:

  • Canadian
  • European
  • indigenous
  • French
  • Spanish
  • first nations
  • Montrealers
  • mohawk

Let’s talk about this list on Face Book 🙂

Well, well, we have reached the midway point of our studies and dialogues together and that means the time has come for me to speak up and join in with you all. Here’s how the process works:

  1. You need to post a Facebook post with three links  to the three blogs you would like me to respond to – and of course assign a number of evaluative points [please see our syllabus for the breakdown of percentages].
  2. Over reading break, I will read and respond to your blogs, and engage in your dialogues; this is my feedback.
  3. I will also make up an evaluative grade sheet with comments for you, which you will receive as an attachment in an email message.

I expect this process to take me a couple of weeks, so you can expect my evaluations sometime between tomorrow and Feb. 27th. I will alert you when I have finished the process.

I hope you manage to accomplish some reading over reading break. I am very much looking forward to this coming week of reading and responding to your blogs. Enjoy.

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