
Hello 470 and welcome to our course of studies together.

Please begin with the welcome page where you will find a general overview of course expectations. You can also take a look at the Student Blog page, where you will find a random sample of student blogs and web conference sites to give you an initial impression of expectations. And, I have made a video for you that will talk your through the course syllabus – you can follow along.

Please also take the time to cruise through the course site and get a sense of how you will need to schedule yourselves  — this is an interactive online course and timeliness is essential in order to fully engage with the course. The Course schedule page is a quick reference to due dates.

This is a challenging course that asks you to explore literature in a different context than the average English literature course, and requires assignments that are likewise “different’ than what most of you will be acustomed  to expecting in a Literature course. I hope you will enjoy the challenges and make good use of our Group FaceBook page to ask your questions and assist each other with answers.

Thank you, we will talk soon.

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