Welcome to English 372

Hello 372 and welcome to our course of studies together.

Please begin with the welcome page where you will find a general overview of course expectations. And, I have made a video that you can follow along as I talk you through the course syllabus .

Please also take the time to cruise through the course site and get a sense of how you will need to schedule yourselves  — this is an interactive online course and timeliness is essential in order to fully engage with the course. The Course schedule page is a quick reference to due dates.

This is a challenging course that asks you to explore literature in a different context than the average English literature course, and requires assignments that are likewise “different’ than what most of you will be accustomed  to expecting in a Literature course. I hope you will enjoy the challenges and feel free to use of our Private  Group Face Book page ** to ask your questions. This Facebook page is for your convenience only and is not mandatory; if you do not like Facebook we also have a Chat function on our UBC site.

Thank you and enjoy.

** Please note: the private group Facebook page is NOT required. If you prefer, you may post your links on our canvas chat page . I like Facebook because you can share resources with ease – but, please do not feel obliged or as if you are missing necessary resources by not using this page. Every message I put on Facebook, I will also put on Canvas or email. Be sure to check your UBC email for my messages.

Please Note: This course was English 470 – but changed to 372 last semester, so  you may see references to Engl. 470 in earlier blogs or comments.

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