Mid Term Evaluations

Good Monday 372;

It is coming up to time to choose your three favorite blogs for Mid Term evaluation. Try to find some time this week, before posting your final Blog for Unit 2, to read through your blogs to date, including the dialogues and choose the three you are most happy with. You are free to edit and expand on your blogs, or to correct grammar or errors of expression. The better the expression of your ideas, the happier I will be when I read. So, please feel free to edit and improve as much as you like. When you have decided which three blogs you would like to submit for evaluation, make a new post with a small introduction as to why you choose these three, and provide links as well.  I will begin reading blogs and comments next Monday morning.

A note of evaluating Dialogues  – once I begin the process of reading Blogs next Monday, I will begin collecting comments and it will be too late for you to go back and add comments. So, please make sure you are all caught up before next Monday.

And please remember to — at the very least — acknowledge every comment on your blogs

Another thing you should reflect on while reading through your work and comments, is finding three other people to form a Research Team for our end of the semester online conference. Everyone should have a team of four – we will have Four research teams in total.

Please do feel free to post any general questions on our Facebook page – or email me if you wish. Thank you and have a great week.


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