Technical difficulties Course Schedule

Hello 301 –

For some strange reason our course schedule page is stuck on an old edit  – I cannot edit it to continue working on the due dates. I am contacting a tech person this morning to work on this – in the meantime here is the correct schedule for you.

Assessment Scheme, Assignments, Instructions for Term Paper and Due Dates

Assessment Scheme

Students are assessed on their written assignments and their
online dialogues, which include student blogs with hyperlinks, online
commentary, sharing resources, and self-assessments. Students will also be
assessed on their participation in an online conference at the end of the term.

Students will be required to complete the following assignments:

  • 30% Blog Assignments
  • 20% Dialogues
  • 30% Conference Presentation
  • 20% Final Paper

Please Review the Guidelines for blog assignments



Note: There is NO final Exam for this course.

In place of a final exam we will be presenting an online conference at the end of term

Lesson 1:1 

Assignment 1:1  Due: Jan 18

Follow the instructions in this lesson to set up your blog and write a short introduction (300 – 400 words) that includes at least two hyperlinks and a visual. This introduction should welcome your readers and include a brief description of the course and some commentary on your expectations for this course. Place a link to your blog on our Group Facebook page.

Lesson 1:2

Assignment 1:2:  Due Jan 21

Students are required to read two student blogs and post a significant and relevant observation or question in the comment box of each blog. By significant I mean; the comment offers a new insight or a question with some measure of complexity, or a criticism.

Assignment 1:3  Due  Jan 25

At the end of this lesson you will find a list of questions. Read each of the questions and select ONE that you would like to answer for your blog assignment.  Follow the blogging guidelines  and instructions in this lesson to write a 500- 800-word answer and post on your blog. Be sure to also respond to all comments on your blog.

Lesson 1:3 

Assignment 1:4 Due Jan 28

Students are required to read two student blogs and post a significant and relevant observation or question in the comment box of each blog. By significant I mean; the comment offers a new insight or a new example from the text that will enlarge the original answer, or a question with some measure of complexity, or a criticism supported by evidence from the Chamberlin reading or another scholarly source.

Assignment 1:5 Due Jan Feb 3 

At the end of this lesson you will find detailed instructions for this assignment. Your task is to take the story that Kings tells about how evil comes into the world at the witches conference [In “The Truth About Stories” page 9 ] — and change the story any way you want — as long as the end remains the same:

“Once you have told a story, you can never take it back. So, be careful of the stories you tell, AND the stories you listen to.” 

Then learn your story by heart and then tell the story to your friends and family. When you are finished, post a blog with your version of the story and some commentary on what you discovered. If you want, you can post a video of you telling the story, in place of text.

Lesson 2:1

Assignment 2:1 Due Feb 6

Students are required to read two student blogs and post a significant and relevant observation or question in the comment box of each blog.

Assignment 2:2  Due Feb 10

Write a short story (600 – 1000 words max) that describes your sense of home and the values and stories that you use to connect yourself to your home and respond to all comments on your blog.

Assignment 2:3 Due Feb 15

Read at least 6 students blog short stories about ‘home’ and make a list of the common shared assumptions, values and stories that you find. Post this list on your blog with some commentary about what you discovered.

Lesson 2:2

Assignment 2:4 Due  Feb  22

At the end of this lesson, you will find a list of questions. Read each of the questions and select one that you would like to answer for your blog assignment and respond to all comments on your blog.

Lesson 2:3

Assignment 2:5 Due Feb 26

Students are required to read two student blogs and post a significant and relevant observation with question in the comment box of each blog.

Assignment 2:6 Due Mar 5

At the end of this lesson, you will find a list of questions. Read each of the questions and select one that you would like to answer for your blog assignment and respond to all comments on your blog.

Lesson 3:1

Assignment 3:1 Due  Mar 8

Students are required to read two student blogs and post a significant and relevant observation or question in the comment box of each blog.

Assignment 3:2 Due  Mar 12

At the end of this lesson, you will find a list of questions. Read each of the questions and select one that you would like to answer for your blog assignment, and respond to all comments on your blog.

Assignments 3:3 Due  Mar 15

It is time to find working partners for your research projects. You need to find 3 people to collaborate with for the end of term online conference.  Ideally a research group will have four members. To find your group members, read through the blogs that interest you the most and study the comments as well. Connect via your blog comment boxes and discuss your common interests. Equally important is a discussion on your working habits; procrastinators and over-organizers should self-identify. So, be clear with each other on your schedules and working habits before committing to a group. One member of the group should post a list with your names on our Group Facebook page.

Lesson 3:2

Assignment 3:4 Due Mar 16

Students are required to read two student blogs and post a significant and relevant observation or question in the comment box.

Assignment 3:5 Due Mar 19

At the end of this lesson, you will find a list of questions. Read each of the questions and select one that you would like to answer for your blog assignment and respond to all comments on your blog.

Lesson 3:3

Assignment 3:6 Due Mar 22

Students are required to read two student blogs and post a significant and relevant observation or question in the comment box of each blog.

Assignment 3:7 Due Mar 29

Write a blog that hyper-links your research on the characters in GGRW according to the pages you have chosen. Be sure to make use of Jane Flick’s reference guide on you reading list.

Lesson 4:1

Assignment 4:1 Due  Mar 31

Students are required to read two student blogs and post a significant and relevant observation or question in the comment box of each blog and respond to all comments on your blog. If you do not receive any comments on your blog – post two extra comments on your peer’s pages.

Assignment 4:3 Due April 2

Create an About Page that includes:

  • A general introduction of your team’s area of research.
  • Each team member should write a very short bio and introduction with a  general description of your individual area of interest and one or two reasons why you are interested in this area of research.
  • A visual correctly cited
  • A short embedded video of interest to your team

Lesson 4:2

Assignment 4:4 Due April 8

  • Each student should have two annotated bibliography posts. Please note: Use MLA style guide to format your Annotated Bibliography. Do not post by student name or by numbers.
  • Each student should begin posting comments; I expect to see an ongoing dialogue grow on your Annotated bibliography comment box this week.

Assignment 4:5 Due April 12

  1. Each student will have contributed to the conference dialogue at least four times; two comments on your Annotated Bibliography page and — as a team: two comments on another team’s Annotated Bibliography. 

PLEASE NOTE: You must select another conference presentation to dialogue with – as a team, and indicate on your Dialogue Summary which team you have partnered with, thank you.

  1. See Conference Instructions for more details

Lesson 4:3

Assignment 4:6 Due April 17

Conference websites are complete and ready for evaluation

Term papers are Due April 21

Email your instructor a pdf file of your paper please.


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